3 Ways to Clean a Car Machine To Make It Look Like New

3 Ways to Clean a Car Machine To Make It Look Like New. Cleaning a car engine is indeed one of the troublesome activities. Because we know that the car engine is now indistinguishable from electronic goods everywhere, there are cables and connectors. Wrong-wrong, later it will happen zeros.
3 Ways to Clean a Car Machine To Make It Look Like New
Clean a Car Machine

But you should not bother first, because in this article we will jointly clean the injection car engine in a safe and inexpensive way, of course anyone can do it. Intrigued by the way, see more below.

There are several ingredients used by car owners to clean his car's engine. The most popular way is to use soapy water. But you know, there are some ingredients that we can also use as car engine cleaners. Among others ;

Detergent water, detergent, whether it's washing soap or floor cleaning soap which contains this rinse substance can shed stubborn dirt. If we use it to clean the engine, the impurities in the surface of the engine components will also collapse.

Carbon cleaner / Carburetor cleaner / Penetrating oil, this material is actually used to clean carbon in the combustion chamber. But we can also use it to clean the machine. This anti-rust agent and carbon rinsing will easily remove dirt from the surface of the engine components.

Semir tires, tire polish besides being used to tire tires can also be used to compress engine components. It's just that the engine components that can be polished are made of plastic.

Gasoline / diesel, everyone knows that gasoline or diesel fuel is flammable. But behind its flammability it turns out the fuel of this engine also has a rinsing properties that can lift crust and stains. It's just that, because we will clean the machine then we also need to be careful in cleaning it.

Then how do you do it?

1. Cleaning the machine using soapy water

First prepare the water in the tub / bucket and mix it with detergents such as floor cleaners, dish cleaners or clothes cleaners. Combine the soap into the water in the bucket and stir it in a row.

After the water mixes with soap, the water will not be as clear as before and there is also foam coming out. Make sure before you clean the machine, the foam in the bucket is gone because this foam is not able to clean the dirt.

To minimize foam production, when stirring the mixture you have to do it in a direction and direction.

To avoid electrical current zapping, you can remove one of the battery terminals can the terminal be positive or negative, suggest removing the negative. Then do not forget to also cover the ECM on the machine using a lap / kanebo.

If it's all, prepare a clean cloth then dip the cloth into the soap solution and rub the wet cloth on the surface of the machine.

We do not water the engine parts, but for the first step we only need to rub soap water on the surface of the engine components. And this will make all the dust sticking to the surface of the machine detach.

After completion, the next step is rinsing. For rinsing, use pure water without soap and pour water carefully on the top of the machine. To be safe, we flush with the direction away from the electricity source.

This method is relatively easy and cheap, but the risk is that the engine can experience zeros because water can enter the electrical component. However, if you follow the above procedure thoroughly, it should not occur because the water does not actually damage an electrical component.

No zips occur when there is a flow of electricity in a wet electrical component, if there is no electricity, nothing will happen to the wet electrical components.

The final step is drying. You can do this drying by silencing the car or with the help of a kanebo lap. The important thing is you do not dry it under direct sunlight because this will speed up the scratching of the engine components.

2. Cleaning the machine using a carbon cleaner

The second way, arguably easier than the first method. Because we don't need to fear zapping. But we need to spend more deeply because the price of this carbon cleaner can reach 100 thousand bottles.

The trick, prepare a bottle of carbon cleaner (if possible, model the spray) and prepare a clean cloth. Then we spray carbon celaner on the surface of the machine made of plastic (for example in the filter box and cover engine). Use a lap aid to flatten the carbon cleaner throughout the surface.

You can spray other components, but it may be difficult to reach these components.

The solution, you first spray the carbon cleaner into the cloth, we just rub it on the hidden component.

This method is somewhat safer and smoother, because in addition to not happening zippered anti-rust material on the carbon cleaner can also prevent engine components experiencing rusting.

3. Clean the machine using tire polish

The third way, we can use if the material available is tire polish. We know tire polish is a material for polishing car tires, but we can also use it to polish engine components made from plastic such as cover engines or filter boxes.

The method is quite easy, pour the tire polish into a container and then prepare a brush (the former brush is also O.K). then slowly apply polish to all plastic components.

This method will make your car's engine parts look sleek in a short and permanent manner. But before doing the shine, try to wipe the engine parts because if there is dirt it will make the results of striped polish.

What about metal engine components?

This is the disadvantage, polish can only polish plastic components. While other components such as cylinder heads, or exhaust manifolds, you can use other methods.

Thus the article on how to clean a car engine using natural materials. Hopefully it can add insight to all of us.


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