
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Cold War

The struggle that came about between our planet's two super powers, the USSR and the USA was believed to be the longest non-conflict engagement conflict of all time. It had become referred to as the Cold War . The 2 sides had respective allies; with the NATO lead United States taking care of Western Europe as the Warsaw Pact driven by the USSR governing the Eastern side of Europe. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 concluded this conflict that started right after The Second World War ended in 1945. During this era there was basically no genuine military engagement from both sides thus the usage of the word 'cold'. Yet during the Vietnam and Korean Wars, even though the Cold War was there, actual shots were exchanged; albeit indirectly. After the Japanese and Nazi armies were conquered in World War II, which left the two major powers, the USA and the USSR were left in the duel. Both sides had different types of economies as well as the types of government. The USSR ran

Facts about World War II

There are many theories about what started World War II . The most popular belief is that Hitler wanted more land to expand Germany. Looking for a reason to start a war and invade Poland, but not wanting it to appear that he instigated it, Hitler staged a polish attack on Germany. This would justify Germany's counter-attack and invasion of Poland. On August 31, 1939, under Hitler's command and Himmler's ingenuity, a small group of German Nazis dressed in Polish uniforms invaded a German radio station. They left behind a dead prisoner from a concentration camp also dressed in a Polish uniform, making it appear like he died in an attack on the radio station. On September 1, Germany declared war on Poland. Ignoring warnings from Great Britain and France to withdraw their troops from Poland, Germany continued their invasion. Two days later on September 3, both Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. This series of events started World War II. Later, the war would serv

Asia Pasifik Economic Cooperation atau APEC

Latar Belakang Berdirinya APEC Dinamika ekonomi politik Asia Pasifik pada akhir tahun 1993 tampak memasuki babak baru, terutama dalam bentuk pengorganisasian kerja sama perdagangan dan investasi regional. Dalam hal ini, negara-negara Asia Pasifik berbeda dengan negara-negara di Eropa Barat. Negara-negara di Eropa Barat memulainya dengan membentuk wadah kerja sama regional. Dengan organisasi itu, ekonomi di setiap negara saling berhubungan dan menghasilkan ekonomi Eropa yang lebih kuat daripada sebelum Perang Dunia II.  Sebaliknya, negara-negara Asia Pasifik, terutama sejak tahun 1970-an, saling berhubungan secara intensif dan menimbulkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi walaupun tanpa kerangka kerja sama formal seperti yang ada di Eropa. Bahkan, berbagai transaksi ekonomi terjadi antarnegara yang kadang-kadang tidak memiliki hubungan diplomatik. Taiwan adalah contoh negara yang tidak diakui eksistensi politiknya, tetapi menjadi rekanan aktif sebagian besar negara Asia Pasifik dalam kegi

Masyarakat Ekonomi Eropa atau European Economic Community

Terbentuknya MEE Sejak berakhirnya Perang Dunia II, Eropa mengalami kemiskinan dan perpecahan. Usaha untuk mempersatukan Eropa sudah dilakukan. Namun, keberhasilannya bergantung pada dua negara besar, yaitu Prancis dan Jerman Barat. Pada tahun 1950 Menteri Luar Negeri Prancis, Maurice Schuman berkeinginan menyatukan produksi baja dan batu bara Prancis dan Jerman dalam wadah kerja sama yang terbuka untuk negara-negara Eropa lainnya, sekaligus mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya perang. Keinginan itu terwujud dengan ditandatanganinya perjanjian pendirian Pasaran Bersama Batu Bara dan Baja Eropa atau European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) oleh enam negara, yaitu Prancis, Jerman Barat (Republik Federal Jerman-RFJ), Belanda, Belgia, Luksemburg, dan Italia. Keenam negara tersebut selanjutnya disebut The Six State.  Keberhasilan ECSC mendorong negara-negara The Six State membentuk pasar bersama yang mencakup sektor ekonomi. Hasil pertemuan di Messina, pada tanggal 1 Juni 1955 menunjuk Paul He