Analysis of quality workbook student social science subjects


Almost every teacher in various schools uses student worksheets (LKS) to support the implementation of teaching and learning activities about lab work. The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of content with the curriculum, achievement of didactic requirements, construction and technical requirements, conformity of historical material content, and intensity of use of student worksheets in learning. Teachers can be better at choosing the worksheets to be used in the learning process. The study involved 4 teachers and more than 200 students as respondents, data obtained with reference techniques, sort, record, interview and questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the lack of material content conformity reached only 88%. Achievement of didactic requirement of 93%, 90% achievement of construction requirements and achievement of technical requirement of 88%. Found 34 pieces of historical material that does not fit the reference book. Autonomous learners by using student worksheet that still has weaknesses will have great impact, moreover when it is combined with must be careful in selecting the student worksheet to be use.

Keywords: Quality of Student Worksheet, Social Studies Learning, Intensity of use of lks


Almost every teacher in various schools uses the Student Worksheet (LKS) as a means to support the implementation of teaching and learning activities, especially practicum. The LKS containing the material summaries provide teachers with ease to provide conceptual understanding to learners. Assessment can also be done by using the items in the LKS.

Learners are the participants of learning activities, so that learners act as actors in learning activities, then teachers should plan teaching that requires learners to do a lot of learning activities. This does not mean that learners are burdened with many tasks. Activities or tasks undertaken by learners should attract learners. Needed in its development, as well as benefits for its future.

Based on the observations made by researchers at SMP 2 Kudus for 1 month, it is known that all 9th ​​grade students in the school have LKS of social science. The dominant learners open LKS social sciences rather than the package books that have been lent by the school. Studentswho follow the learning in the classroom is also more dominant touse LKS social science when following the teacher's explanation. Some learners state that they are more interested in learning to use LKS than a package book. Researchers try to read the History material in the student worksheet. However, researchers found a misconception in the material.

The high frequency of LKS usage in each lesson should be balanced with the contents qualityof the Student Worksheet. If the quality of student worksheets are low, thenit will be very harmful to its users, whether students or teachers. Selection of student worksheets should be viewed carefully so that teachers and learners are not wrong in choosing the student worksheet.

The information gives us an explanation that the current LKS function is shifting, initially it plays only as a guide for learners in performing an activity or as a supporter, but now it more often becomes the main source in obtaining knowledge. Almost all learners have LKS as it is often required by teachers, and teachers use more LKS than certain handbooks during the learning process. Learners often assume that just having a LKS is enough, without reading or reviewing the handbook or other reading sources. So it is necessary to study the problem whetherLKS own by the learners have high or low quality.

1.1Learning theory
Learningis a part of human life activityto acquire the knowledge , skills and attitudes that everyone needs. Learning is an activity to get answers from a problem and also an activity undertaken by everyone throughout life. Learning objectives are actually very numerous and varied. Explicit learning goals are endeavored to be achieved by instructional actions commonly called instructional effects, which are commonly shaped in knowledge and skills. However, learning objectives as a result that accompany instructional learning goals are commonly called nurturant effects. The form is the ability to think critically and creatively, open and democratic attitude, accept others, and so forth. This goal is a logical consequence of the learners who are in a particular learning environment system. Effective learning is influenced by internal factors and external factors of learners. Internal factors include physical, psychological, and social aspects. While external factors include the level of difficulty of teaching materials, learning places, climate or weather, and environmental atmosphere. Therefore, in order to create an effective learning for students, teachers must master learning materials, learning skills, and evaluation in an integrated manner.

1.2Teaching strategies
Teaching has several components, namely teaching objectives, teaching materials, teaching-learning methods, media, and evaluation of teaching. Teaching is characterized by the system emphasizes the integration of the whole component, one component that is closely related to the other components. Teaching as a system  that plays a major role as a reference for the other four components of teaching. As a reference, in the preparation of teaching programs, the goals become the first component that needs to be formulated. Selection and formulation of other components refer to the objectives. If a teaching objective in terms of affective, (values and attitudes) then the teaching materials, teaching-learning process, media and evaluation of teaching should be also affective. Likewise, if the purpose of teaching is concerned with the cognitive or psychomotor aspects, then the other components must be cognitive or psychomotor.

1.3Student worksheet
Student Worksheet (LKS) is a sheet that contains guidelines for learners to carry out learning activities on the subject of a particular study. LKS as a support to improve the activity of learners in the learning process whichcan optimize learning outcomes. The worksheets contain the work methods, supporting books, the time required to carry out activities, even it can be equipped with tables to write observed activities. LKS can be used to accelerate the learning time and complete the lesson material in the package book (Anggraini, 2006). Components of the contents of the LKS must be in accordance with the criteria of good LKS, good LKS used as a tool in teaching and learning process must make learners active in learning, for that student activity in teaching and learning process should be improved either through teacher / participant interaction Educated or efficient use of learning resources. LKS should be able to help teachers and learners in the process of teaching and learning activities, for it must be compiled according to the curriculum of education, both material, sequence, and time. LKS should also be able to improve the achievement and quality of learners so that the expected competencies can be more easily achieved.

The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of the contents of the 9th grade student worksheet with the educational unit level curriculum, to know the level of achievement of didactic conditions, the terms of construction and the technical requirements in the preparation of the science student class 9, know the suitability of the contents of the historical material in the sheet The work of science class 9 students on reference books, and know the intensity of the use of student worksheets in learning. This study exposes teachers and students to select and use student worksheets that are more supportive for teaching and learning activities in the following year. Student worksheet compilers are also expected to pay more attention to aspects that are still lacking to produce better books.

2.1 Participants
The study was conducted in 2011 with 1 month observation to observe the situation. The focus of the study site is in Kudus district, which is in SMP 2 Kudus. The selection of research sites in SMP 2 Kudus was motivated by the problems discovery that the use of LKS is excessively done and there were some errors of material history concept in the book.The subjects of this research are two 9th grade social science teachers class and more than 200 students of 9th grade social science.

2.2 Instrument
Researchers in taking data using several methods, as follow; (1) techniques refer, sort and record, (2) interview, (3) Observation (4) questionnaire or questionnaire. The instruments used in the techniques of referring, sorting and recording are the assessment instruments of the National Education Standards Agency developed by researchers. Measuring tool to determine the level of achievement of didactic conditions, terms of construction and technical requirements. Interview activities using structured interview instruments. Observation activities using observation instruments, and questionnaire instruments to gain student opinions.

2.3 Procedures 
This research uses qualitative approach. The research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of the people and behavior that can be observed. According to them, this approach is aimed at the background and the individual holistically, so in this case it should not isolate individuals or organizations into variables or hypotheses, but it is necessary to view them as part of something wholeness (Moleong, 2007).

Sinak Pilah Technique and record used to collect the uniformity content of social science LKS class 9 semester 1 academic year 2011/2012 with educational unit level curriculum. Techniques refer to, sort and record also used to obtain data ketercapaian didactic, construction and technical requirements. The suitability of historical material content also uses techniques of referring, sorting and noting. The conformity of the contents of the LKS with the curriculum, the steps preceded by the researchers read lks carefully and gradually adapted to the curriculum. Assessment is given for each item by providing a check list in the assessment column within the instrument, then the criteria are summed and presented.

Researchers use moderate participative observation techniques. This observation has a balance between the researcher being an insider and an outsider. Researchers in collecting data participate participant observation in various activities, but not all of them. Participatory observation was chosen to establish good relationship with infomation. Observations in this study were conducted to determine the extent of utilization by IPS subject teachers and students of 9th grade of SMP 2 Kudus in using student worksheets. Researchers carry out observations / observations when doing Practice Field Experience at SMP 2 Kudus is in August-October 2011, so it can freely observe the circumstances that occur. Researchers see the daily life of teachers and learners in the learning process. Researchers are closer to teachers and students so they can get information directly.

Questionnaire is about what the respondents know about the use of IPS LKS by teachers and students of SMP 2 Kudus in learning. Questionnaires are given to each student in the class during recess or before school. Questionnaires are open-ended questions. Questionnaire are given to all students of class 9 SMP 2 Kudus and the answer according to his own opinion. This questionnaire gives full opportunity to the participants to write  the answers according to what the informant needs.

Interview was conducted to know the use of LKS by teacher of IPS subject and student of class 9 SMP 2 Kudus in learning. Interview was conducted with informants who can solve the problems faced. Informants in this study is a subject of IPS Teachers a number of 4 people. Interview was conducted in the school environment in turn. Researchers set up audio recorders to record the results of interview to maintain credibility. The researchers prepared a large line of questions used in the interview. Questions evolved during the interview process to gain in-depth information.

Testing by source is done by enumerating comparing observation data with interview result. In this case the researchers compare the use of LKS in the Learning of the results of observations and interviews. Based on the observation, it is known that teachers use LKS in supporting classroom learning. LKS often ask students to solve the questions in it and this is compared with the results of interviews to teachers IPS in SMP 2 Kudus, expressed by Eni Kuswati that LKS supports teachers in explaining the material especially for the exercise questions. In contrast to Erna Juliatun states that LKS can make students can deepen the material by working on the problems in th
e LKS. According to Shofiyati LKS can bridge teachers in delivering more concise material.
Researchers compared the results of teacher interviews with questionnaires filled out by students. The researchers compared the use of LKS by Teachers and Students in Learning. The results of interview with teachers that the use of LKS will affect the learning outcomes, the more exercise problems in the LKS, learners will be more accustomed to working on the problem and will help during the middle of semester or semester test. According to questionnaires to learners, write that they prefer to study with LKS either in class or at home. Short material is easier to follow when following the teacher's explanation in class. Teachers often ask them to work on the questions contained in the LKS.


3.1 The suitability of the contents of the student worksheet with the curriculum
Based on the results of the conformity analysis of the content of the LKS with the above curriculum, it is known that the conformity of the content of the LKS with the Competency Standards and Basic Competency shows 100% result, the content of the LKS with the subject matter shows 85% result and the eligibility criteria is Appropriate. Based on the analysis of LKS Lotus Social Sciences for SMP / MTs class 9 semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini known that the LKS is in accordance with Education Unit Level Curriculum.

3.2 Achievement of didactic conditions, terms of construction and technical requirements
Based on the assessment using the assessment instruments of the National Education Standards Agency. Based on the results of the analysis of the achievement of didactic conditions, the terms of construction and technical requirements above are known that the achievement of didactic conditions shows 93% results with very reasonable criteria. The achievement of the construction conditions shows 90% results with Very Eligible criteria. Achievement of technical terms shows 88% results with criteria Very feasible. Based on the analysis of LKS Lotus Social Sciences for SMP / MTs class 9 semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini it is known that LKS has ketkapaian didactic conditions, construction terms, and technical requirements with criteria very reasonable .

3.3 Conformity of historical material content with reference books
Based on the results of the analysis is known that the contents of historical material on the LKS there is incompatibility of historical material content with reference books. There are 34 fragments of historical material that do not fit the reference book.

3.4. Intensity of LKS use in learning process
IPS subject teachers and class 9 students in SMP 2 Kudus use several sources / handbooks in classroom learning. The source is a Package Book lent by the school, a book from several other publishers such as Erlangga, Yudhisthira and equipped LKS. All the students of class 9 in SMP 2 Kudus have LKS and 1 book package for two students lent by the school. Based on the recognition Learners more dominant to learn to use LKS. Teachers often ask learners to pay attention to the content of LKS material and ask students to work on the questions that are in it.

The IPS teaching subject teacher stated that the LKS can activate the students. In the LKS there are many pieces of student activity that can be utilized learners to know how far their understanding of the given material. Some learners also admitted that every home he did the problems contained in the LKS although not requested by the teacher. According to him by doing these questions he must read the material to get the answer. Researchers also observed that the use of LKS in the learning quite varied according to the model used. However, the researcher sees that the use of LKS is very dominant than the package book. LKS will be first opened by the learner while following the lesson unless the teacher asks to open the package book.


4.1 Conformity Analysis of Contents of LKS with Curriculum
Student Worksheet (LKS) is a sheet that contains guidelines for learners to carry out learning activities on the subject of a particular study. LKS as a support to improve the activities of learners in the learning process aims to optimize learning outcomes. In the worksheets have been prepared work methods, supporting books, the time required to carry out activities, even can be equipped with tables to write observed activities. The preparation of LKS is adjusted to the development of the applicable curriculum. Efforts to ensure the quality of student worksheets need to be conducted research on student worksheets used in schools to determine the conformity of the contents of the LKS to the applicable curriculum.

Conformity of the contents of the LKS to the applicable curriculum is important, because it is one of the mandatory requirements in the preparation of LKS. Analysis of the quality of student worksheet one of them is determined by the suitability of Competence Standard (SK), Basic Competence (KD), and Main Material. IPS Integrated Curriculum class 9 there are 7 Competency Standards and 18 Basic Competencies and 47 Basic Materials. The analysis results on LKS LKS Lotus Social Science Analysis for SMP / MTs 9 class semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini can be seen in append9 2 and 4 on pages 89-94. Table 4 shows 100% percentage of compliance with Competency Standards and Basic Competencies, and shows 85% of the Subject Matter with Appropriate Criteria.

Based on the analysis, there are 7 Basic Materials that is not in the contents of the book. Called none because the content is incomplete or completely absent in the content. The subject matter that does not exist is 1) The influence of the policy of the Japanese occupation government. 2) The factors driving the social change of society. 3) Factors inhibiting socio-cultural change. 4) bank understanding and history of bank occurrence. 5) Azaz, principles, functions and objectives of banking in Indonesia. 6) Practice Saving at the bank. 7) Functions, roles and benefits of non-bank financial institutions. Although the LKS has 7 non-existent subject matter, but the LKS intended for class 9 students has a high level of conformity so it is still eligible to be used with notes to be accompanied by other textbooks to supplement the shortcomings of the LKS.

4.2 Analysis of Achievement of Conditional Conditions, Construction Terms and Technical Terms
The existence of the student worksheet gives a considerable influence in the teaching and learning process, so that the preparation of the LKS must meet various requirements that is didactic requirements, construction requirements, and technical requirements. The didactic requirement regulates the use of a universal LKS that can be used well by the learner who is slow or clever. LKS emphasizes on the process of finding concepts, and most importantly in the LKS there is variation of stimulus through various media and activities of learners. LKS is expected to focus on developing social, emotional, moral, and aesthetic communication skills. Based on the analysis of didactic conditions in the LKS Lotus of Social Sciences for SMP / MTs 9 class semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini can be seen in table 5.

In Table 5 it can be seen that the achievement of didactic conditions shows 93% yield. Based on the analysis it can be seen that there are 2 Aspects that only got a score of 3, namely A.2 Craving critical thinking and A.5 Stimulate thinking causality. The critical aspect of critical thinking only gets a score of 3 because some of the questions or tasks contained in the student's activity simply ask the student to fill in a question whose answer already exists in the available material, in other words copy the text. The stimulating aspect of thinking causality only gets a score of 3 because some materials and questions do not stimulate learners to think cause and effect.

Construction requirements relate to the use of language, sentence structure, vocabulary, difficulty, and clarity in LKS. The component must be appropriate in the sense that it can be understood by the user, ie learners. Based on the analysis of construction requirements in the LKS Lotus of Social Sciences for SMP / MTs class 9 semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini can be seen in table 5. In table 5 it can be seen that the achievement of construction Showing 90% results. Based on the analysis it can be seen that there is 1 aspect got a score of 1, 1 aspect got score 2 and 1 aspect got score 3. Aspect B.14 Bibliography got score 1 because in LKS there is no bibliography presented. List of books used as reference material and reading in the form of concepts and theories can help the search by teachers or learners. If the bibliography does not exist then it is difficult to know the concept or theory in the LKS comes from which source. Aspect B.15 Tables, drawings and illustrations accompanied by identity score 2 because not all tables, drawings and illustrations are accompanied by identity or description. If there is no identity it will confuse users about the intent and from which source the table or image originated. Aspect B.8 The question is not too open got a score of 3 because some of the answers to the questions are clearly presented.

Technical requirements emphasize the presentation of LKS, such as in the form of writing, drawing and appearance in the LKS. Based on the analysis of technical requirements in the LKS Lotus of Social Sciences for SMP / MTs class 9 semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini can be seen in table 5. In table 5 it can be seen that the achievement of technical requirement Showing 88% results. Based on the analysis it can be seen that 1 aspect got a score of 1 and 2 aspects got score 2. Aspect C.8 The separator between paragraphs clearly got a score of 1 because spaces to separate between paragraphs are unclear or inconsistent. Systematics like this will make users feel confused to link the contents between paragraphs. Separation between paragraphs that use the way indented and not. The use of whitespace is excessive, thus confusing the user. Aspect C.1 The appropriateness of the book size with the ISO Standard gets a score of 2 because the LKS has a length of 28.2 cm and a width of 20.1 cm, the size exceeds the limit is smaller than the standard that is between 10-15mm. Aspect C.6 Illustration on the cover describes the contents of the book get a score of 2 because the illustration on the cover can not represent the entire contents of the LKS. The illustration does not seem to connect with the content of the material in the LKS. Illustrations on the book cover should be able to attract users to read the contents of the book based on the illustrations on the cover. Illustrations that are not synonymous with the content of the book will degrade the user's interest in reading. 

4.3 Analysis of the conformity of historical material with reference books
Content or material in the form of writing in textbooks used by learners in learning must be accountable from the side of truth of science and does not violate the prevailing norms. These learning materials should be specific, clear, and accurate, in accordance with the applicable curriculum, are up-to-date and up-to-date. Based on the above, the Student Worksheet should be examined on the suitability or truth of the contents of the material.
The conformity of the contents of historical material is very important, this is because to know the truth of history that exists. Books or writings may not match the facts. If it happens like this then the book or writing can be one of the public liar. However, it is even more dangerous to read by learners who consider that the writings in the book as something that is true. Efforts to overcome this is necessary to hold an analysis of the LKS that contained historical material in it by using a reference book that has a high level of suitability. The reference book used is a book entitled National History of Indonesia (SNI) Volume 6.

The result of LKS Lotus Social Science analysis for SMP / MTs 9 class semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini. Errors that the LKS there are 34 pieces of material that is wrong or not in accordance with the reference book. Non-conformity of contents of historical material found is on writing the name of the person, the year of the incident, the writing of letters, and others. Such discrepancies can be seen in append9 5 pages 108.

Non-conformity that occurs in the LKS can be said to be very fatal or can be bad. Errors in historical material can change the perception and way of thinking of a person against historical events that occurred in the past. Non-conformity of historical material that occurs in LKS is usually done by the authors. The error occurred because the author used an inappropriate reference book. In addition, there can also be a mistake during the process of typing. Therefore, teachers as teachers in schools should always check on the LKS that will be used as a handbook in school, so the error on the LKS can be justified before implementing the process of teaching and learning activities.

4.4 Intensitas penggunaan LKS dalam belajarIntensity of LKS use in learning
IPS subject teachers and class 9 students in SMP 2 Kudus use several sources / handbooks in classroom learning. The source is a Package Book lent by the school and books from several other publishers such as Erlangga and Yudhisthira. All the students of class 9 in SMP 2 Kudus have LKS and 1 book package for two students lent by the school.

LKS is obtained from the cooperative in the school which has become a package with LKS other subjects. IPS subject teachers convey that the selection of LKS Lotus Social Sciences for SMP / MTs class 9 semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini had done previous selection. The teacher selects some of the LKS provided by the publisher then looks at some components such as the suitability of the curriculum and easy to understand. The teacher is worried that the LKS is difficult to understand will have an impact on the understanding of the material by the learners. The LKS has also been recommended by the MGMP IPS in Kudus District.

Based on the recognition of students more dominant to learn to use LKS. Teachers often ask learners to pay attention to the content of LKS material and ask students to work on the questions that are in it. LKS is seen by learners is more concise and easy to understand in terms of material. The form is already simple and simple to make the material in the LKS more interesting to learn. The more dominant use of LKS is used not only when studying at home, but during classroom learning. Learners more easily follow the material taught by the teacher because the teacher delivered important points. Points submitted by teachers are already available in the LKS. Unlike the case with package books, they must summarize the material.

LKS has a considerable effect in learning. LKS as Support to increase learners activity in learning process in order to optimize learning result. LKS is used to guide learners independently and can draw the basic conclusions of the subject matter taught. LKS must be in accordance with the criteria of good LKS, good LKS used as a tool in teaching and learning process must make learners active in learning, for that student activity in teaching and learning process must be improved either through teacher / student interaction or utilization of source Adequate learning. LKS should be able to help teachers and learners in the process of teaching and learning activities, for it must be compiled according to the curriculum of education, both material, sequence, and time.

The dominant use will certainly affect the user. Teachers as one user use LKS as a medium to enable learners with the exercise questions available. Learners as more dominant users using LKS to learn, following teacher explanation and practice questions. This situation is quite worrying because LKS only contains general explanations of the material, especially if the existing material or concepts are in error. This will further plunge the learners in a misunderstanding. Teachers as the users must play an active role in controlling the contents of the LKS before being used in learning.

Teachers who teach subjects IPS said that the LKS can activate students. In the LKS there are many pieces of student activity that can be utilized by students to know how far their understanding of the material given. Column activities will greatly assist teachers in enabling learners. The direction the teacher gives in the student activity will develop the learner's abilities. However, Teachers often only assign tasks to learners to do multiple choice questions, ignoring columns of activity. Some learners also acknowledge that every home he does the problems contained in the LKS although not requested by the teacher, but not for the activity column. According to him by doing these questions he must read the material to get the answer. Though many columns of activities that contain questions that can be used to develop and deepen the understanding of learners.

Researchers also observed that the use of LKS in the learning is quite various according to the model used. However, seeing that the use of LKS is very dominant rather than the package book. The phenomenon that occurs LKS will be first opened by the learner while following the lesson unless the teacher asks to open the package book. Learners have the assumption that by using the LKS, they have been sufficient to follow the learning in the classroom. This assumption is very worrying because if the LKS used has a poor quality it will affect the learning.

Based on data analysis and discussion, it can be drawn conclusion as follows. LKS Lotus Social Sciences for SMP / MTs class 9 semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi hartanto and Suci Hartini in accordance with Education Unit Level Curriculum.
 LKS Lotus Social Sciences for SMP / MTs Class 9 Semester 1 compiled by Hartadi, Ninik Pujiastuti, Noor Hidayah, Hadi Hartanto and Suci Hartini have the achievement of didactic requirements, construction requirements and technical requirements with very reasonable criteria.

In the LKS there is a mismatch of historical material contents with reference books. There are 34 fragments of historical material that do not fit the reference book. This discrepancy may affect the concepts received by learners. LKS has a considerable effect in learning. Components of LKS content must have good quality so that it can support learning. The dominant use will certainly affect the user. Teachers as one of the users use LKS as a medium to enable students with the exercise questions available. Learners as more dominant users using LKS to learn, following teacher explanation and practice questions. Teachers who teach subjects IPS said that the LKS can activate students. However, the phenomenon that occurs are quite pitiable because the assumption of learners towards using LKS is enough to follow the learning can lead to misunderstanding. Therefore, LKS used in learning must have good quality.

Selection of LKS should be adjusted with the learning that will be done. Selection of LKS that will be used should be done strictly for easy use by learners. Learners should be aware that the LKS contains only a summary so it can not be used as a primary source of learning. The material contained in the LKS should be considered because the errors in the concept, typing errors and misuse of images can greatly affect the understanding of learners.

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